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Showing posts from August, 2013

Sweet little trinkets

Yesterday I was given these cool little brass looking (I don't know if they are really brass or not but they look like it)  I have been eyeing a project on my favorite website for some time now and well seeing that these were given to me I thought "no time like the present!"  I couldn't hardly contain my excitement while waiting for the hours to tick by until work was over and I could make a quick run to the craft store to see if they had a stamping kit and a few other items I would need to complete the project. They did and I used the app on my phone to get the famous 40% off one regular priced item for the tools (I sent Britt through the line to use the coupon too).  I spent just under $25 on this project (not too bad in my book)  After closing down the previously mentioned store with my sweet Brittnie we stopped and grabbed a bite to eat and headed home to start on our crafts.  Turns out she is ...

What I'm working on Wednesday

I am so excited.  I can't even slow down long enough to form full sentences about this super fun idea that was given to me today.  So if this post makes sense when I'm finished it will probably be a miracle that's for sure.  Anyway...This morning in a normal daily visit with one of the girls at work she gave me a super fantastic idea.  OK well maybe I am the only one that thinks it is a super fantastic idea but still I am excited and it seems like we are going to have a great turn out.  OK I know...I know...what is it already?  Right?  :)  A recipe swap party!!! That's right a recipe swap party.  I have done a bit of foot work (text work really) to see if there would be very many ladies interested in attending one of these parties and turns out almost everyone was willing to participate.  So what does this mean exactly?  I am inviting several ladies over everyone is going to bring their favorite recipe (already prepared an...

Tasty Tuesday

    I love to cook.  Not only do I love to cook, I love to eat.  And I think that my all time favorite type of food is Italian food.  Well no, because Mexican food is right up there with it.  Anyway...I love cooking different kinds of Italian foods (sometimes I wish I had a maid to clean the kitchen after some meals).  A big thank you to who ever created every one's favorite website because this site gives us all instant access to hundreds of thousands of recipes.  That is where I found tonight's dinner recipe : Tomato Basil Chicken.  Oh my goodness it was pretty amazing.  And honestly it probably has some super awesome name in Italian but that is what it was called on Pinterest.   I am always trying something new on my poor family, thankfully I was blessed with a not very picky eater of a hubby.  Not like my daddy who when we were growing up liked his meat & potatoes and corn for a veggie....

Weekend project

So I was picking through my head trying to find a story for you and well life has been pretty routine lately and I don't have a great story for you.  But...What I do have is a project.  That's right.  Every weekend I try to do at least one thing productive with it.  Well most the time anyway.  We spend quite a bit of time on the motorcycle (with good reason but that's a story for another time) I like to post at least a couple pictures with each of my blog entries so I was flipping through my phone to see if I could find something to share with you all.  Turns out I have lots so I am going to have to figure out which order they should be shared. I was thinking I would make this "weekend project" a frequent post.  For those of you that don't know I work every other weekend and when I do have a weekend it is 5 days long so sometimes I find myself doing more than one project per weekend.  Like the weekend I did this desk project I also made a mi...

Back to school!

Well here we are, that time of year yet again when moms all around are rejoicing to their children’s dismay. Um…most moms to most children’s dismay. I don’t know about at your house but here I was glad to have my girls for the summer even though it seems like every other week one of them were gone off doing something great and exciting without me. My girls are at an age that I do enjoy spending time with them. We’re silly we like a lot of the same shows on TV we like wondering through antique malls or the woods (whichever the day finds us) So for school to start back was a little bitter sweet for me. I would have time to finally do stuff around here and not feel like I need to keep them entertained but in the next breath I already miss having someone to talk to while I am here hanging out at home. But don’t worry, I will manage. I have several unfinished projects to work on. Maybe even drag some of them out of the unfinished project cemetery (out from under the couch...

Pickled okra

It seems like all that I have been talking about on facebook for what feels like forever not.  Those of you that are friends with me on there I am sorry if you are burnt out on hearing about okra.  To be honest I am too.  It just turned into this huge undertaking that felt as if it might never end.  And not that it is all done I find myself wishing I had more because it turned out pretty darn good. But don't take my word for it there have already been several jars eaten and even some given away(or stolen...I'm still a little fuzzy there)  :)     Let me go back and start at the beginning.  Last week on Thursday I got a text from Steph telling me that Conrad's had okra on sale, just $18 for half a bushel.  Oh I do love okra and I haven't made any pickled okra in a few years.  I wanted some.  She said she would drop it by the house later that night.  When she came to the house and walked into my kitchen and sat down ...

Camping...the real kind (recovered version)

~~~if you follow my blog at all you would have seen earlier today that I accidentally deleted this post. And if you all know me well you know I kinda have a tendency to fly by the seat of my pants often and sometimes regret that about myself. example at the first of july I deleted over 350 photos off my phone by mistake. Some kids think that if you delete something that no one will ever see it again...WRONG!! I have proven twice in the last couple of months that just because you hit delete it isn't always gone forever. I got all my photos back. Well more like over 2500 photos that I had taken and deleted on purpose and today after a bit of searching recovered the wonderfully awesome story of Nikki and I's camping experience. while there are not any pictures with the recovered version I can add them back in at a later time. and I will. Just not today. I need my own laptop for that. Thanks for hanging out with me on this crazy ride I call life. I love you all~~~ tc Ba...

Well CRAP!!!

Yep just crap. I was deleting some old unfinished posts on the blog just now and deleted my all time favorite post.  It was the one about camping.  I just want to crawl under a rock and cry. That is all tammyc Maybe I can rewrite it, but I'm sure it won't be the same.  I don't even know if I want to try May you have a better day than I'm having