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Showing posts from April, 2014

Spring is finally here...I think

It's been a while since I sat down to write in the blog.  We've been quite busy in the last few weeks and I just haven't made time.  So I thought I would just catch you all up to speed.    The weather is finally starting to be more spring like and we are getting more and more nice days.  With that said everyone at home has been feeling the need to clean things up and shake the winter mess.  (thank goodness)    The hens have finally seen things my way (or I just stopped worrying so much about it) but they have started laying quite well.  We have 10 hens and are getting 9 eggs a day.  So someone is being lazy just about every day but I will let it slide as it isn't 10 hens being lazy every day. I am grateful because my Britt loves eggs and was beginning to get cranky about having to eat store bought eggs.  They do taste different.  Weird I know but they do.   Mike and Nanny c...