Winter is my favorite season! I remember how awesome it was getting up and looking out seeing this awesome snow everywhere and running to the living room to check channel 6 to see if our school was out for the day...good times. Today (day 5 of 2011 blizzard) I do still love the snow. the good times of being able to stay home all day and play in it or just veg in front of the tv are long gone. Yep, it was up and at it for me Tuesday and everyday since. I am glad to have a job where everyone just gets out there to get the job done. I do miss being able to have time to play in the snow and spend time with my girls while they are out of school. but they understand, that even though I only clean and stock ambulances it is important to be there. I hope that with this, the one lesson they learn is a good work ethic. that if you have a job do what ever it takes to get it done. As for this blizzard, well...Im ready for my second favorite season SUMMER! Stay warm.
I tried to warn you that I had so much to tell you... So We have been spending so much time at the hospital with my dad. I mean we were all there for several days (now we are taking turns-he's doing well and we had to go back to work). And you know how it is everyone brings something to keep them busy so that they can ward off boredom. Well Val had been using one of those round loom things that you can knit hats and such. She had made herself one and while there her knitting caught the attention of one of my nieces (Katie) and she wanted to know how to make one for herself. So Val being excited to show someone sat down with her and gave her the loom and some yarn and helped her along. That girl made her whole hat. She loves it and wears it everywhere already. Before we knew it Haleigh was in on learning to make hats. They were having such a good time knitting away while visiting with their papa and all his company. ...
Just F.Y.I. I hate the snow.