Yes I know with me, that could be bad...but it isn'tf(this time anyway). Today I swore off facebook(reality check...probably wont last a week, I mean come on I am a FB addict) but I am really trying to cut out some mess in my life. So I have been doing some thinking...I have re-read all the post i have posted on my blog and well I am not very happy with what I have been posting. why? well because they really don't give you a peek into my life. I mean the name is "a day in the life..." after shouldn't it be about what is going on in my life at the time of the post? not just some silly opinion, just life(mine and those around me all the time) How else are you going to be keeping up with what is going on in my life if Im not posting anything that is much more than opinion...Take yesterdays post. It was about my baby girl. It was from the heart not the head. I seem to really like how it turned out. I could go on and on about stuff like that(the here and now--or even the memories from better days gone by) wow that made me sound super old-lol. So from now on, I don't plan to put you to sleep with what I think you want to read, but instead stories from my heart(happy stuff, mad stuff, just all kinds of stuff) about my family and friends.(Sorry if you find yourself in a story and it offends you) but I will try my best to not use names if not truly needed.(sometimes knowing who a story is about makes it so much better.) hugs & kisses...goodnight.
I tried to warn you that I had so much to tell you... So We have been spending so much time at the hospital with my dad. I mean we were all there for several days (now we are taking turns-he's doing well and we had to go back to work). And you know how it is everyone brings something to keep them busy so that they can ward off boredom. Well Val had been using one of those round loom things that you can knit hats and such. She had made herself one and while there her knitting caught the attention of one of my nieces (Katie) and she wanted to know how to make one for herself. So Val being excited to show someone sat down with her and gave her the loom and some yarn and helped her along. That girl made her whole hat. She loves it and wears it everywhere already. Before we knew it Haleigh was in on learning to make hats. They were having such a good time knitting away while visiting with their papa and all his company. ...
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