For as long as I can remember I have always wanted a convertible Mustang. When I say a long time ago I mean before I ever got my drivers license and I'm old so we all know that was a long long...long time ago.
But God had other plans for me. I married at 20 and by the time I was 21 I had a baby and another at 25. So needless to say a mustang was not a practical car choice for us. And well with 2 girls the budget wouldn't allow for one either. But fast forward some years and I mean fast forward because it really does seem like yesterday that my girls were babies. Life has changed so much, my babies are both nearly grown and though they are not out of the house they are however never really needing me to chauffeur them from here to there and back again. I am no longer that softball equipment toting mom with girls, bats, balls & gloves spilling out of every car door. It's for the most part just me going to work and having a little fun with the hubs and friends every now and then. So the old truck was beginning to show it's years by not running like it should and despite hubs best efforts just wasn't cutting it anymore. So after 20+ years of day dreaming of a fun car I finally got to get it. My dream car. It took a bit of fighting with myself and listening to everyone tell me I didn't want a mustang. But I finally got it. It isn't brand spanking new but it i s new to me. Very nice and even though she isn't a v8 she can flat run. (Safely and at the speed limit of course) ☺
But God had other plans for me. I married at 20 and by the time I was 21 I had a baby and another at 25. So needless to say a mustang was not a practical car choice for us. And well with 2 girls the budget wouldn't allow for one either. But fast forward some years and I mean fast forward because it really does seem like yesterday that my girls were babies. Life has changed so much, my babies are both nearly grown and though they are not out of the house they are however never really needing me to chauffeur them from here to there and back again. I am no longer that softball equipment toting mom with girls, bats, balls & gloves spilling out of every car door. It's for the most part just me going to work and having a little fun with the hubs and friends every now and then. So the old truck was beginning to show it's years by not running like it should and despite hubs best efforts just wasn't cutting it anymore. So after 20+ years of day dreaming of a fun car I finally got to get it. My dream car. It took a bit of fighting with myself and listening to everyone tell me I didn't want a mustang. But I finally got it. It isn't brand spanking new but it i s new to me. Very nice and even though she isn't a v8 she can flat run. (Safely and at the speed limit of course) ☺
I call her Judy, big booty Judy to be exact. As I can fit 2 weeks worth of groceries in her trunk. So even if she isn't all practical she is still useful in my book.
And before I go I'll answer a few questions I have heard rumored about since buying my new car... Yes I am spoiled. No I am not having a "midlife crisis". No I don't need an extra job to pay for it. Yes I feel like I deserve it. No I haven't been bragging about it I am still in shock that it is actually mine. But with all that said I think each and everyone of us should own our dream car at some point or another in life. And I thank God every day that Stephen and I are blessed with good jobs that allow for us to provide for our family and have some fun while doing it.
Hope you all have a great week.
Thanks for reading.
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